Locking Liquidity

Buyback / Liquidity added / Locked

After few discussions we’ve decided to change the known model for buyback and burn to buyback and permanently lock liquidity. We believe that is way more helpful for the long term market condition. The burn effect disappear fast. Permanent liquidity lock adding fresh money to the market and never leave the market.

The Deposit fee is allocated in this address

PTS locked distribution :

FLS locked distribution :

Total lock statistics : as of 09.04.2021

PTS-BUSD Total LP: 118 795 - Locked: 25 680 22%

PTS-WBNB Total LP: 4 062 - Locked: 164 4%

PTS-FLS Total LP: 2 629 - Locked: 668 25%

PTS locked: 68 919.12250204979

FLS locked: 24 603 153 088.17

Last updated